New Bethel Cathedral Singles Ministry

Point of Contact:

Sis. Valerie D. Scott


Elder Carlos Wilson


Singles Corner!

On Friday, April 8th, the New Bethel Cathedral COGIC Singles Ministry had a bowling outing at Pin Boys, Western Branch. Sixteen singles came out for a night of fun and fellowship. Ten were members of New Bethel, six were family and friends of New Bethel members. The New Bethel Cathedral COGIC Singles Ministry will be hosting a variety of events on the 2nd Friday of every month for singles 21 years old and up. We will also be hosting a monthly meeting via Zoom on the 1st Friday of each month. Stay tuned to this newsletter for updates. Hope To See You Soon!

Upcoming NBC Singles Ministry Events!

Friday, May 6th – Singles Zoom Meeting – 7:00 PM.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 712 7672 5968

Passcode: 1XeXig

Friday, May 13th – Singles Game Night – 7:00 PM.

Home of Sis Shemeka Swain

6211 Roanoke Ave.

Newport News, VA 23605

(757) 435-4837

Bring Snacks!!!

Singles Corner!

The Singles Ministry of New Bethel Cathedral COGIC is on the move!

On Sunday, May 8th, we honored all mothers with red or white carnation corsages in celebration of Mother’s Day. On May 13th, we met at the home of Sis Shemeka Swain for a Singles Game Night complete with wonderful food, fun and fellowship. We met again on June 3rd, to skate at the Greenbrier Skating Center. We took a break from skating to eat at Smokey Bones and then went back to the skating rink for round 2 of some good ole fashioned fun! On Jun 4th, we Marched for Jesus from Harbour Park to City Hall in Norfolk. On June 19th, we honored the fathers with a token of appreciation for Father’s Day.

The only thing we are missing from all of these wonderful events is YOU! Won’t you come and join us! Our next event will be on Sunday, Jul 17th. It will be a Celebration Picnic at Mill Point Park beginning at 5:00pm. We will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Feel free to bring friends, snacks, sodas, water, chairs and join us. It’s going to be a good time! Just look at the pics on the following pages to see the fun that’s already been had.

We will also be hosting our monthly Zoom meeting on the 1st Friday of each month.

Stay tuned to this newsletter for more updates. Hope To See You Soon!

Upcoming NBC Singles Ministry Events!

Friday, Jul 1st – Singles Zoom Meeting – 7:00 PM

Meeting ID: 712 7672 5968

Passcode: 1XeXig

Sunday, Jul 17th – Celebration Picnic, Mill Point Park – 5:00 PM

Bring Friends, Snacks, Drinks and Chairs!!!